Body Intelligence & Creativity

Today's video is about how creativity shows up in the body and body intelligence (BQ). 

Like your IQ (intelligence quotient), you also have BQ (body intelligence) and EQ (emotional intelligence). We all lead primarily with one of these three, but all have the potential to be developed.

BQ is the ability to notice body sensations, listen to them, and then respond with the information provided by your body.

Consider BQ an additional intuitive guide that is physical rather than intuitive, which is typically more mental. 

Here are ways BQ serves me currently:

  • my stomach retracts when someone is not being honest

  • my hand raises up (like I'm in school waiting to be called on) when I need to listen to a message from a Spiritual Guide or my Higher Self

  • and my hips sway/stir when something creative is being born

Imagine having this super power and knowing every time someone isn't being honest (or not revealing the whole truth), or receiving an important message that guides you to the perfect time to leave a job or end a relationship, or picking up a book and your legs spreading open in response to it...

Yes, it's possible for you to develop body intelligence. And honestly, it's not even that difficult.

In today's video, I share the details on how creativity and the desire to create shows up in my body to give me an undeniable sign to "pay attention" to what wants to be created. 

Can you imagine being in tune with yourself, your body and your emotions in this way? It's such a game changer. 


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